This summer went by super fast.
Yesterday I moved back to my University and into my first apartment; tomorrow
is my first day of classes and I’ll have to get up early and see an hour of the
day that I’ve avoided successfully for the past four months (5 am omg legit kill me). I’ve
always thought that the start of a new school year was the perfect time to make
resolutions or new commitments. I never understood why someone would wait until
January 1st to change things that they don’t like about themselves.
I mean, you’re already half way through the school year, you’ve ruined all
potential for a new start. So I figured I would start this school year with a
short list of resolutions.
1. I won’t miss any class and I won’t
be late to any class.
2. I will try not to procrastinate.
3. I’ll try to eat breakfast everyday.
4. I’ll workout at least 3 times a
5. I won’t go to any class in sweatpants.
6. GPA Goal: 3.5
Let me know some of your new semester goals in the comments! Also, if you’re on Tumblr, here’s a really good blog that has a lot of inspirational quotes, pictures and lists. I found it over the summer and I fell in love with how encouraging and motivating it is. I would for sure check it out if you’re needing some extra motivation over the semester
I hope you have a great semester guys! Kill it!
A. xx
"Today is never too late to be brand new." - Taylor Swift.
"Today is never too late to be brand new." - Taylor Swift.
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