I feel like
this post is going to be controversial in nature, but it's something that I want
to write about because I've had multiple conversations with
with multiple people about this lately and it's something that I've been thinking a lot about. I also want to add that I'm not trying to offend anyone and if I do somehow offend you then I apologize and want to say that that was not my intention at all. These are my opinions and observations.
I'm going
to start out with a question. Why is it that modern feminism has become
synonymous with "man hating"?
When you
google "what is feminism" a simple definition comes up. It is defined
as "the advocacy of women's rights on the grounds of political, social,
and economic equality to men." Upon further research this actually
includes issues such as pay gaps, sexual harassment, employee medical leave,
racial equality and even gay rights. The whole thought process behind feminism
is gender equality regardless of sex, sexuality or ethnic background. To be
honest, I like the term "gender equality" way more than "feminism." This is not
because I think feminist is a "dirty word" or whatever
negative connotation the media has associated with it but because I think gender
equality is a much more accurate term for what we're trying to accomplish with
I would argue
that the fight for equal rights became way more publicized in the past 12
months. I would also argue that this is because of Emma Watson's speech on the
HeForShe Campaign last fall. If you live under a rock and haven't seen that
video than I would suggest crawling out from under that rock and going and
watching it because it's probably one of the best speeches on the issue in the
21st century. But as great as the video and speech is I think it sparked something that
Emma never even mentioned, which is the thing I'm having a problem with with
modern feminism. This problem is man hating.
Why is it that
when you declare yourself a feminist people automatically assume you hate men?
Why is it that whenever feminists talk about gender equality there is countless
slams against males instead of just talking about the issues without
complications? Why is it that when a male or even a woman makes a comment
questioning a woman's morals or actions they're automatically accused of
misogyny? I don't understand why this is okay or why it's even a thing (also
misogyny is a very real and serious problem and I really don't like that it's
becoming a term that people throw around a lot. It's a very serious accusation
and it should be treated as such). Being a feminist in no way what-so-ever
should give you the right to hate the other sexes. In fact, I would argue that
by taking this stance you are not helping the cause at all. Instead of bringing
the sexes on an equal playing field you are spreading them more apart, wedging
a gap between them that is going to be even more difficult to close as each
side becomes more and more offended. When you label yourself a feminist you
label yourself as someone who believes in gender equality, not as someone who
wants to put down men in order to raise up woman. Honestly, this is more like
bullying than feminism.
In my opinion,
the genders should be equal. This is the 21st century and we have made so many
advancements across the board and the thought that men and women, gay and
straight and black and white are still being seen as being unequal is
astonishing. So, yes, I label myself as a feminist and you really should to. But
please, please do not stoop down to the level of thinking that because you are a
feminist you must hate and put down your opposite. When you label yourself as a
feminist you are merely stating you believe that everyone should have equal
rights regardless of physical or emotional appearances. I think society would
do better to think about this instead of looking for someone to attack and
place blame on.
A. xx