Sunday, January 13, 2019

The Law of Attraction: My First Manifestation Story

I stumbled—literally stumbled—across this concept called the Law of Attraction last May. I’m an avid YouTube watcher and have been for quite some time. When I was in the midst of my depressive state, I was watching a lot of YouTube and this is how I found it. 

It came in a suggested video and I think the title was How to Become Detached and Get Everything You Want or something like that. It peaked my interest right away. I mean, how could it not with a title and promise like that? Well little did I know that this would be the introduction to LoA. And that concept was what would kick-start my process in gaining control of my life again. 

So what is the Law of Attraction? 

Quite simply, the Law of Attraction is the belief that by merely focusing your mind on positive or negative thoughts you will attract those things and things similar to it into your physical existence. A more exciting and romantic way to paraphrase it is this: You can manifest whatever you desire into your physical existence strictly by your thoughts.

The easiest way I like to explain this to people is to think of a time when you just had a really rough morning. Like, you woke up and realized that you never set your alarm and you were running late—your hair wasn’t laying right, you got toothpaste on your black shirt, whatever could go wrong was going wrong and you thought to yourself, “I guess it’s gonna be one of those days isn’t it?” 

So you get in your car and drive to work or school or wherever. Traffic is horrible, they’re playing that one song on the radio that you really just can’t stand, you’re so late to where you’re trying to go and it’s just spiraling and spiraling. 

Here’s what happened: you focused on a negative thought, first thing in the morning and so consequently more negative things found their way into your existence. 

This is the Law of Attraction. 

It’s a hard pill to swallow—I know. We’re conditioned from such a young age that what we want in life must be worked for and earned. We’re never told that we can simply manifest it into existence through our own energy and thoughts. 

I’m assuming that if you’ve never heard of LoA before you’re probably like what is this crazy person talking about. I was apprehensive at first too, but I was also really, really curious. So me, being the (semi)sane minded person that I am was like alright if this is real then I’m going to test this out. I mean, manifesting whatever I want into my life? It sounds like a good deal. So the first question I had as I got my feet wet in this concept was this: Can you manifest specific people into your existence? (Answer: yes, yes you can)

Some background: I was in a situation with a specific person where we were not talking at all, I hadn’t even seen them in months and to me that seemed like a good place to test this out. I picked this person for two reasons: the first being that I was just really attached to them and was actually just really curious to see what would happen if they came back into my life, or even if our paths just crossed again for a moment. The second reason was that I knew there wasn’t a snowballs chance in hell that either of us would reach out to the other so it didn’t seem like this would harm the situation even more to try. 
There are a couple steps to the LoA that I was following at the time because I was under educated on the topic. When you start really utilizing it in everyday life you don’t really have to follow steps, you believe that what you want is on its way to you and so it is. But if you’re just starting out here’s what you should do: 

1.    Clear your mind – this is kinda a prestep but honestly it really helps… meditation and breathing exercises are really helpful if you have a hard time doing this
2.    Ask for what you want—be explicitly clear and confident, you deserve everything you want in life without question
3.    Believe—know that without a doubt what you want is on its way to you, have complete faith and know that even though you can’t see it yet it’s there. The key part to this is to detach from the how and the when of the process. Just know that it’s coming, don’t obsess and freak out over it. 
4.    Receive—Devine timing will deliver what you want to you in the most perfect way.

So that’s what I did. I did it in a ‘What If’ statement which is a good fun way to start out. I think I said something like “What if I ran into so and so before the end of the semester? How funny would that be?” I thought about what it would feel like… would I be nervous? Excited? Scared? Awkward? Happy? Thinking about the details and the emotions they trigger jump starts the process and attracts it faster to you. 

This is where it gets interesting. 

It was a couple days after my what if statement when I was walking home from work. There’s a part of my college town that has a bunch of shops, restaurants, bars etc and I had to walk through it to get to my apartment complex. This is a walk I had done every day, even at the same time every day for that entire year and never had I seen them in my path before. Until this one day when boom —there they were, crossing the street right in front of me heading to a coffee shop. 

Me, being me, kept my head down and kept walking and was like okay that’s weird. It was probably just a coincidence.

But it happened again. This time I was walking to class and was on a part of campus that I had never ever seen them on before. I looked to my right and there they were… waiting on the corner for the bus or something. 

So this is where naturally I was like okay I’m creeped out. Like it had been MONTHS since I had seen this person and then BAM all of a sudden I see them twice in the same week. I’m pretty sure at that point I was like I take it back, I’m out, I’m not ready to deal with this it’s honestly okay our paths don’t have to cross anymore we Gucci out here. 

But for me, the ball was already rolling. I crossed their path one last time before the semester ended and this time we actually talked. And it was fine… obviously I didn’t die and there was just a really strong adrenaline rush and turned a little red and was shaking a little and whatever but THE POINT IS THAT IT WORKED. 

A person that I never EVER in my wildest dreams thought would come back into my existence, did. And that was enough proof for me. 

I’m going to do more posts on this topic but I just wanted this to be an introduction. Maybe a real introduction for people who have never heard of this concept before and maybe a refresher for those who have already heard about it. 

The thing about LOA is that it truly is a concept that goes beyond how to manifest a specific person into your existence. It's about living the life you want and are in love with and nothing less. To be honest, it's what kick started my mental health recovery. To this day, it's something that I continue to make a mindful and conscious effort to use.

Here’s some Youtube Videos that explain it better than I ever could:

Law of Attraction: How to Become Detached and Get Everything You Want - Leeor Alexandra (The FIRST LOA video I came across)
There's also The Secret documentary on Netflix!


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