A couple days ago (maybe a couple weeks ago depending on when this gets around to being posted) I made the decision to delete my Facebook and Twitter accounts. The only account I kept was Instagram since that’s the platform I get all my astrology information on (lol) as well as I just really enjoy photography. Other than that I'm off the grid. I always thought people without socials were weird. Like, everyone’s on social media why do you have to be different? But at the start of 2019 I really debated what kind of life I wanted to lead. And it came to my attention that social media might be a major player for some lingering unhappiness in my life.
I think it’s safe to say that socials are a completely different thing than they were 10 years ago. When I first joined most of them I was literally in 6thgrade. I was always the kid that wanted all the different accounts. Like really, there was no point in having them but I wanted them. To be honest I might’ve been in 4thor 5thgrade when I signed up for Myspace, which was my very first social account (and honestly that account still might be somewhere because I don’t think I ever deleted?). And thinking back it’s like—what is the point of that?
Facebook was mostly used for keeping up with my older sister who was away at college. It was for posting about ‘top friends’ from school and used for letting the world know you were going to be at the mall if anyone wanted to hang out.
When I signed up for Twitter it was to follow all my favorite Disney Channel stars and Taylor Swift. I think I followed one actual friend for a solid two years. I signed up for Tumblr at the very beginning of it but really had no idea how to use it until I went to college.
But ten years has changed a lot. For starters, Facebook is now filled with posts made for the sole purpose of getting a rise out of other users. What I don't understand about this is why people think reposting offensive articles is going to help them get their point across? I also don't understand why people think it's necessary to start arguments in the comments with people they have never met. It's just a lot of negativity that is not bringing forth positive change. Not to mention Facebook is one of the largest holders of ‘fake news' articles that are written in complete satire. But the everyday user isn’t aware of that or even has the mind to check if what they're sharing is real and consequently reposts jokes as real news, which annoys me to an insane degree.
Twitter is now filled with ‘cancel culture’ which I find extremely offensive and dangerous to mental health. This is also the one that I am extremely confused by to tell the truth. I remember when social media first came out and cyber bullying was such a hot topic. People were so quick to call someone out for bringing negativity into an online space. Now, they're applauded for it by favorites and retweets. It doesn't make sense to me.
Maybe I'm being too sensitive, but I was always raised with the morals of fighting negativity with more negativity isn't going to fix anything. Actually, Martin Luther King Jr. had a great quote for this, "Returning hate for hate multiplies hate, adding deeper darkness to a night already devoid of stars."
Maybe I'm being too sensitive, but I was always raised with the morals of fighting negativity with more negativity isn't going to fix anything. Actually, Martin Luther King Jr. had a great quote for this, "Returning hate for hate multiplies hate, adding deeper darkness to a night already devoid of stars."
Personal problems I was having with social media was that it was low-key messing with my mental health and daily routine. I would always be on it. Like always. Mostly to fill my boredom but also for the reasons that all of us know about but don’t really talk about too much.
I tell people that I’m a Scorpio mind that’s been trained with Journalism skills. Meaning I have the skills and drive to find out everything about everyone that is in my life past, present, even potentially future. Like, that gaming video you made with your friends and posted on YouTube when you were in middle school – seen it. That award you got for playing in that hockey tournament freshman year of high school – good job dude, proud of you.
But there is a lot of negative things about finding information out about people through social media. #1 being that everything someone posts about themselves is tailored specifically to what they want you to see. So honestly, what you’re seeing and learning isn’t even the true person or an accurate reflection of whats going on in their life. It’s always someone’s highlight real.
Which brings me to #2 which is you will probably see something that will hurt you. Mostly because you don't have the means to understand it. When it comes to manifesting good things into your life you need to be on a vibration that is already way, way up. Social media is the quickest way to sabotage that.
2019 is going to be a beautiful year. More than anything I want to lead a life that makes me so happy I forget to check my phone. There's a freedom in living in the moment and for only you without the pressure to post online.
There are plenty of news apps to keep up with what’s going on in the world without the opinions and negativity. Family members and people that you’re friends with on socials should have your number. If people care about you, they’ll reach out.
To be honest the only things I'll miss are the memes and tweeting song lyrics in real time (lol for sure my friends on twitter will not miss me doing that sorry not sorry) but that's a sacrifice I'm willing to make for happiness. I got to the point where I couldn’t remember what my life was like before I spent the majority of the day glued to my phone looking through different feeds. And that doesn’t really seem like a fulfilled life does it?